YEREROUK WALK IN(G) / 2024 / group performance
This performance was part of the Performance bus event at Aré fest, Yerevan, Armenia. We got acquainted with the results of artistic research about Yererouk church and created a group performance based on them.

Photo: Ed Tadevosyan
From the video Descending to the Sea (2023), it is difficult for the viewer to distinguish whether it is the landscape of Iceland, Svalbard or Bohemia. Whether the scale is a few meters or a few hundred meters. From the sandy shores of some kind of lake, strange objects emerge, creating strange structures.

The Consecration of the Temple of Transport was a group performance within the Summer Solstice festival of the Art for the City - Confluence program of the Prague City Gallery, Institute of Planning and Development, which took place on 19-21 June 2022 under the Lahovice bridge in the area of the future park. Every day there was one performance that thematized the sun line and its momentary appearance in the "temple of transport", which was symbolically consecrated.

HEAPES / 2021 / action
In my work "Heaps", with the help of several symposium participants, I rearranged three heaps of loose material (sand, gravel, etc.), which I found by the road in the village of Lhota pod Pannou, into the surrounding hills of Panna, Sedlo and Kalich. Within The Vulcano symposium in Czech Central Highlands landscape.

Photo: Tereza Nováková
LINES - SIGNALS - (CODES) / 2020 / artistic research
The CirculUM project was part of the Art for the City program of the Prague City Gallery, which in 2020-2021 was dedicated to the artistic research of eight locations on the outskirts of Prague in the broader context of interdisciplinary overlaps and public themes. One of the researches, carried out by a trio of artists Helena Jiráková, Michal Kindernay and Eliška Perglerová, was carried out in cooperation with the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute in Prague's Komořany. Here, the artists dealt with both the topic of meteorology and the local landscape and water regime. The output of their work was a wide range of performative events, photo documentation, texts and objects, some of which are still located on the grounds of the Czech Museum of Contemporary Art. Text by Jitka Hlaváčková.

Photo: Eva Kořínková

PRAGUE MYSTERY NO. 2 / 2020 / performance / design for architecture
Helush Yiraq has long pursued interesting, but also inconspicuous natural phenomena occurring at particular places, and usually highlights their existence via performances. Once in the Prague district of Butovice, she was captured by a ray of light cast through an oval ceiling opening onto the wall and the paving of the local subway station (1988). Just as the station architect, Petr Šafránek, intended, designing a space filled with natural light. The road that roofs the ceiling is south-oriented, and the intervention hence produces both a sundial and a calendar. The station thus generates similar mystery like the British Stonehenge monument and the space behind the St Vitus Cathedral, which viewers witness at sunset during the solstice, phenomena which the artist translated into the title of her diploma work. Text by Marcel Fišer.

MONUMENT TO THE TRAIN ACCIDENT / 2019 / Helush Yiraq, Jan Červený / proposal
The human error caused one of the biggest railway accidents in the Czech territory. On January 25, 1964, an uncontrollable freight train crashed into a passenger train station in Zákolany, Kladno. The result was 14 dead,18 wounded people and 36 totally demolished wagons. Zákolany decided to create a monument that would commemorate this sad event.

In 2016 a competition for an artwork for the roundabout was held in Nepomuk. Nepomuk is a small city in West Bohemia, where a very famous Czech Saint John of Nepomuk was born.
Me and my classmates tried to create some drafts, eventually we decided not to apply, but I continued to watch the competition.
From the winning proposal of MgA. Adam Kovalčík I was happy and I was looking forward to seeing the work in real life. Unfortunately, this proposal was not accepted by the public in spite of its win in the competition, so it did not materialize.
During my stay at an artist-in-residence program in Nepomuk in August 2018, I was walking through the city and looked for ideas for my work. The most important topic for me was the just-mentioned (lower) roundabout, the absence of an artwork on it, and the presence of a "folk" artwork on the second (upper) roundabout in the city - the garden dwarf. This dwarf emerged during the New Year's Eve in 2017 and according to locals it is a reaction to the above-mentioned art competition. The dwarf are constantly cared for by the inhabitants, in the winter they give him a scarf around the neck, in the summer diving goggles, a snorkel, etc.
This dwarf inspired me to create a sculpture in the local style, while maintaining the required theme of St. John of Nepomuk. So I created a plaster sculpture of a dwarf - scribe with the aureole of St. John of Nepomuk. I believe that the result of my residency will help move the currently stucked situation about the artistic work for the lower roundabout and that we will live to see a quality contemporary art in Nepomuk in time.

Photo: Martin Myslivec

THE REAL ABSTRACTION 5 / 2018 / video
BARBICAN / 2018 / performance
SMOKING PIPES / 2018 / video
GRAVITATION - LEVITATION / 2018 / performance
SPOTTERS / 2017 / video
POST FaVU / 2016 / open situation
Open situation of the FaVU Performance studio of Tomáš Ruller & Jennifer DeFelice in the old faculty building at Údolní 19, Brno. Performers: Jana Rémanová, Eva Slížová, Filip Fidla Martinek, Dalibor Vybíral, Nikol Čížek Uxová, Michaela Čížková, Zuzana Štefková, Tomáš Kopčil, Helush Yiraq, Jakub Tomáš Orel, Sandra Svobodová, Petr Urválek 15. 12. 2016 – 16 - 20 h

Three hours long waiting for the earthquake in the seismically active area (because of coal mines) in Karviná.

THÉATRE OPTIQUE / Helush Yiraq, Jakub Rajnoch, Martin Chlanda / 2015 / installation proposal

THE GROVE FAIRYTALE / Helush Yiraq, Jakub Rajnoch / 2015 / intervention into the public space

Photo Daniela Chalániová
WITHOUT TITLE / 2015 / intervention
I have sent a camera in a capsule through the pneumatic tube in the Motol Hospital Prague.
ALEXANDERPLATZ / 2015 / performance
FROM JABLUNKOV TO AŠ / 2015 / video
From the easternmost to the westernmost city in the Czech Republic inside a parcel.
BLOWN KNAG / 2015 / video
MAILBOX RESEARCH / 2015 / video
THE ICE FORMATION / 2015 / video
SOS / 2013 / action
I threw a bottle with a switched microcamera on and my address into the Elbe river. I am still waiting…
SUNDIAL / 2013 / installation

The performance was taking place during “The Lake Run” around the future lake Bílina (currently surface mine). Me and two volunteers tried to wait for the lake actively.

REAL ABSTRACTIONS / 2013-2014 / video
THE SPEED OF LIFE / 2013 / concept
The project deal with the question, how fast would a human life flow, if his soul was caught of the mussel, turtle, rat or bat body. I derive the speed of life from different (average) speeds of individual animal species heartbeat. The result are digital clocks with speed of time derived not from sun but from the heartbeat.

WHAT IS IT ABOUT? / 2012 / video
I DON´T KNOW, WHAT I DON´T KNOW / 2012 / action
About 77% of all lifeform (mainly insects and crustaceans) see the world through compound eyes, which are composed of several thousand (one direction oriented) smaller eyes (ommatidia). Every individual smaller eye only percieves a limited space, through its own “simple retina and lens“. The entire picture is like a mosaic composed of individual ommatidia pictures. In the Vertebrate Phylum (human being including) as well as a majority of cephalopods (about 5% of animate beings on the whole) we find the most perfect eye apparatus - the vertebrate eye. In contrast to human eye the retina of most birds conteins 4-5 photoreceptors which create a definition of much finer colour differences; that is why „a bird´s world is much more colourful“. The starfish´s eyes are placed at the ends of the “arms”. Some of the scaled reptiles have a small organ called the parietal eye between the parietal bones of their skull. The lens in the parietal eye is sensitive to light and darkness. Bees have two compound eyes and three simple (parietal) eyes on the upper part of their heads. Snakes are able to percieve infrared light, which enables them to view their surroundings like a thermal map. Although cats cannot see in the total darkness, they can see at overcast night, when the sky is obscured by clouds and somewhere stars shine. Some white and red blossoms as well as the green leaves appear achromatic to bees, in grey scale then. The basis of eyesight is light-percieving cell; the earthworm´s body is covered in them which means it can recognize, which part of its body is illuminated. Kestrels search its main prey - field mouses - thanks to their territorial signs, in UV light their urine is brightly yellow. In UV light we can see completely different patterns on parrot feather.

I wached Prague by parietal eye. --- I investigated blossoms in UV light, if I can see something different. And I saw. --- I spent a night on a high seat ina cherry treetop and watched to the darkness. --- I watched to the sun through the closed eyes. --- I watched into water.