THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE LANDSCAPE AFTER THE FIRE / Helush Yiraq, Tereza Nováková / from 2023
The project Transformation of the landscape after the fire deals with artistic research in the area of the České Švýcarsko National Park affected by the fire, which lasts from 2023. In addition to four excursions for artists and interested parties, it took place in August 2024 in the House of České Švýcarsko in Krásná Lípa and in the multifunctional space Nová Perla in Kyjov near Krásná Lípa, a two-day exhibition of 11 new works inspired by this area and event, as well as two performances and a visit to the Pravčický důl with expert interpretation by the staff of the České Švýcarsko National Park Administration.
Thirty authors from the ranks of photographers and multimedia artists, draftsmen, sculptors, performers, who can explore the transformation of the landscape, singularities of nature or visuality not seen anywhere else, and other specific phenomena associated with fire over a longer period of time, confirms the necessity of cooperation between artistic and natural science fields and a common interest about presentation to the wider public.
The project is organized by the Artbiom association, which is dedicated to spreading awareness about environmental art - http://artbiom.cz/
Antonín Brinda, Vladimír Havlík, Michal Klodner, Jiří Kovanda, Petr Kubáč, Dagmar Šubrtová Jitka Tomsová in collaboration with Michal Kindernay, Adam Vačkář, Helush Yiraq, Martin Zetová

Photo Pavel Matela, Pavel Matoušek